What services do you offer?

I offer individual counseling services to adult men and adolescents (14+).

Given my background, I particularly enjoy working with clients who are skeptical about the benefits of counseling. Call it “counseling for people who don’t do counseling” — or something like that.

What are some of the specific reasons why someone might reach out for counseling?

Below is not an exhaustive list, but some common reasons include:

  • Experiencing significant stress or anxiety

  • Feeling down, isolated or like something’s “off”

  • Difficulty establishing or maintaining healthy relationships (with significant others, friends, co-workers, etc.)

  • Life transitions

  • Grief, infertility, or loss

  • Shame, guilt, or insecurities

  • Difficulty making important decisions

How long are counseling appointments?

My standard counseling session is 50 minutes. However, in certain circumstances 50 minutes can feel insufficient, and a client might leave feeling they could have really benefitted from additional time. For this reason, I also offer 75 minute appointments. For our initial meeting, I strongly encourage clients to schedule a 75 minute appointment.

For those who would like to explore their life and story in greater depth during one session, I do offer 150 minute sessions upon request and when appropriate.

How many sessions of counseling will I need?

As you can imagine, it varies widely, but on average 8 to 12 sessions.

For what it’s worth, I discourage clients from adopting a session by session “am-I-better-yet?” mentality. Much like strength training or physical therapy, counseling takes time and it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when growth, change, or healing occurs. Think progress over perfection.

What is the fee per session?

50 Minute Session - $160 (standard)

75 Minute Session - $200 (recommended for initial appointments)

150 Minute Session - $400 (upon request and when appropriate)

Do you accept insurance?

No, I am considered an out-of-network provider. I encourage you to reach out to your insurance carrier to determine if they offer reimbursement for out-of-network mental health services.

Do you offer telehealth services?

Yes, but only for existing clients and only upon request.

What is your theoretical orientation?

I draw from a number of different counseling theories and offer an integrated approach. The foundation of my practice is person-centered, but to help facilitate growth and change, I frequently incorporate other theories, including cognitive-behavioral, existential, and narrative therapy. I also offer faith-based counseling upon request.